09-17 01:56 PM
Wait, what kind of link is it? I've tried with 4 (Firefox, IE6, Chrome and Safari) and they all want to save that link. MediaPlayer and Quicktime refuse to play it too. WTF?
Wait, what kind of link is it? I've tried with 4 (Firefox, IE6, Chrome and Safari) and they all want to save that link. MediaPlayer and Quicktime refuse to play it too. WTF?
wallpaper Our next ultrasound is
10-09 02:30 PM
A good read on the subject with references to applicable law and USCIS memos/policies:
09-17 04:23 PM
How do I open a SR. Appreciate any help and specifics.
2011 ultrasounds at 8 weeks. Ultrasounds at 8 weeks

08-01 05:34 PM
Hi smisachu,
Could you explain what you mean by this? Are you referring to "Flash Trading"
or the whole of HFT?
Yes Flash trading, ELP (enhanced liquidity program), direct access trading and even other program trading. The programs seek out discreet blocks that are being routed into the market and front run them. The main culprit according to many is GS. And to acheive a significant alpha the size and leverage are huge. Some program with a bug will dump a lot of shares on the market some day and before any one can react. Here is an article on some info that was made available only to bloomberg users.
"Lime Brokerage: "The Next 'Long Term Capital' Meltdown Will Happen In
A Five-Minute Time Period."
Posted by Tyler Durden at 11:25 AM
A recent Bloomberg piece that for some reason was made available only
to terminal subscribers, provides a very interesting discussion on the
dangers of sponsored access, how the associated pre-trade vs post-
trade monitoring deliberations by "regulators" will influence short
selling curbs, and not surprisingly, the desire by Goldman to not only
dominate this yet another aspect of high-frequency trading, but to
dictate market policy at will.
What is sponsored access:
In sponsored access, a broker-dealer lends its market participation
identification (MPID) number to clients for them to trade on exchanges
without going through the broker's trading system, to avoid slowing
down the execution. That places responsibility on the broker-dealer to
make sure the participant abides by securities regulations, and that
its trading, which can involve hundreds or thousands of orders a
second, does not run amok.
Is it thus surprising, that none other than Goldman Sachs is muscling
its way into providing not only a sponsored access platform to its
clients, but a new form of sponsored access that needs the blessing of
Wall Street heavyweight Goldman Sachs, now launching its own sponsored-
access service to lend clients its identification to access securities
exchanges directly, said last week it favors monitoring client orders
prior to execution.
"Our view is that there is a real need for pre-trade checks in the use
of sponsored access to fulfill [broker-dealers'] regulatory
responsibilities," said Greg Tusar, managing director at Goldman.
Goldman's stand in favor of pre-trade instead of post-trade monitoring
of sponsored clients' activity is one side of a debate in which
regulators may choose a middle ground. The regulators' decision on how
to monitor sponsored access may also influence their deliberations on
restricting short sales.
What is the difference between pre-trade and post-trade monitoring? In
Compliant with Reg SHO
Nip problems before they happen
View activity across exchanges
Faster order executions
Pre-trade systems still fallible
And another tidbit:
In traditional sponsored-access arrangements, a broker-dealer
determines a client's suitability to access market centers directly
and then allows the client to trade without monitoring its individual
orders prior to execution.
In other words, the Goldman endorsed pre-trade approach will allow
"monitoring of individual orders prior to execution." Whether or not
pre-trade checks provide the capacity to observe not just wholesale
exchange activity in the context of sponsored access but from a much
broader market angle is a discussion for another time, although this
could be one place where Sergey Aleynikov could shed an infinite
amount of light, especially as pertains to Goldman's sponsored-access
service. Conveniently, his gag order will prevent him from saying much
if anything until such time as there is an appetizing settlement to
keep him gagged in perpetuity. The bottom line is that with a pre-
trade environment, the sponsored access providers will be able to have
the potential to front run all those who use their platforms. The
residual question of how far they go to comply with regulations to
prevent this from happening, and remain true to their ethics standards
is also a topic for another day.
Going back to the topic at hand. Here is why sponsored access could
easily be quite a bother to capital markets sooner rather than later:
Unchecked errors or unintended repeat orders could deplete broker-
dealers' capital, and potentially wreak havoc in the broader market.
Concerns have arisen, however, about whether all broker-dealers are
able to fulfill that duty in today's electronic trading environment,
and according to which standards.
And here Goldman chimes in to not only promote their proposed
architecture but to expound on the virtues of pre-trade checking.
"In the case of high-frequency trading, in particular guarding against
technology failures, oversized orders and other situations where
there's potentially systemic market impact, we believe strongly that
pre-trade checks are a prerequisite," Tusar says.
Nasdaq's proposal as well as Securities and Exchange Commission
officials' speeches a few months ago appeared to lean toward
bolstering the traditional approach.
"We don't believe that's strong enough or what the regulators want
now, because of the potentially dire consequences, and because we-as
broker-dealers-bear much of that risk," Tusar says.
Now the reason why this is very relevant in the context of not just
potential front running, but also market structure is that Regulation
SHO, which is the primary regulatory framework for short selling (and
the purvey of potential Uptick Rule reinstatement, which will happen
once the market is allowed to hit a bid) is a post-trade
Wedbush [Morgan] routinely tests clients' systems to ensure they are
compliant with Reg SHO. In addition, he says, the brokerage sets
limits on clients available locates-as well as credit and trading
limits--before the start of each trading day that its system tracks,
prohibiting shorts without locates and providing a type of pre-trade
Or as has recently become the case, seeing rolling buy ins in the
middle of the day as borrowable shares in even the most liquid stocks
mysteriously disappear (look at today's market action for yet another
blatant example of this practice).
Anticipating the regulators' likely response, one should not be
surprised to see them siding with Goldman and against shorters:
As the SEC also seeks to appease investor concerns over rampant short
selling, especially naked short selling, new sponsored-access
standards may provide part of the solution. Given that day-traders may
be the last remaining culprits of such activity,, increasing and
standardizing scrutiny over their trading may reduce uncovered (and
illegal) shorts even further.
How about appeasing concerns over rampant, unjustified buying? When
will the downtick buy rule be implemented? But we jest.
And I digress again. Why should all this be concerning to advocates of
stability of high-frequency trading:
The mother of all concerns is a sponsored firm's algorithm going awry
and executing thousands of problematic trades across a range of
securities and market centers.
Well, this is not really a problem when it happens to the upside as
has been the case for months now - it is only a threat when Joe
Sixpack's 401(k) may be impacted, i.e., to the downside.
And here is where a SEC Comment submitted by broker Lime Brokerage is
a very troubling must read by all who naively claim that High-
frequency trading is a boon to an efficient market (which doesn't
provide . Well, yes and no - it is, until such moment that it causes
the market to, literally, break. I will post a critical excerpt from
the Lime submission, and leave the rest to our readers' independent
Lime's familiarity with high speed trading allows us to benchmark some
of the fastest computer traders on the planet, and we have seen CDT
(Computerized Day Trading) order placement rates easily exceed 1,000
orders per second. Should a CDT algorithm go awry, where a large
amount of orders are placed erroneously or where the orders should not
have passed order validation, the Sponsor will incur a substantial
timelag in addressing the issue. From the moment the Sponsor�s
representative detects the problem until the time the problematic
orders can be addressed by the Sponsor, at least two mintues will have
passed. The Sponsor�s only tools to control Sponsored Access flow are
to log into the Trading Center�s website (if available), place a phone
call to the Trading Center, or call the Sponsee to disable trading and
cancel these erroneous orders � all sub-optimal processes which
require human intervention. With a two minute delay to cancel these
erroneous orders, 120,000 orders could have gone into the market and
been executed, even though an order validation problem was detected
previously. At 1,000 shares per order and an average price of $20 per
share, $2.4 billion of improper trades could be executed in this short
timeframe. The sheer volume of activity in a concentrated period of
time is extremely disruptive to the process of maintaining a �fair and
orderly� market. This shortcoming needs to be addressed if the
practice of Naked Access is going to be permitted to continue;
otherwise, the next �Long Term Capital� meltdown will happen in a five-
minute time period.
Could you explain what you mean by this? Are you referring to "Flash Trading"
or the whole of HFT?
Yes Flash trading, ELP (enhanced liquidity program), direct access trading and even other program trading. The programs seek out discreet blocks that are being routed into the market and front run them. The main culprit according to many is GS. And to acheive a significant alpha the size and leverage are huge. Some program with a bug will dump a lot of shares on the market some day and before any one can react. Here is an article on some info that was made available only to bloomberg users.
"Lime Brokerage: "The Next 'Long Term Capital' Meltdown Will Happen In
A Five-Minute Time Period."
Posted by Tyler Durden at 11:25 AM
A recent Bloomberg piece that for some reason was made available only
to terminal subscribers, provides a very interesting discussion on the
dangers of sponsored access, how the associated pre-trade vs post-
trade monitoring deliberations by "regulators" will influence short
selling curbs, and not surprisingly, the desire by Goldman to not only
dominate this yet another aspect of high-frequency trading, but to
dictate market policy at will.
What is sponsored access:
In sponsored access, a broker-dealer lends its market participation
identification (MPID) number to clients for them to trade on exchanges
without going through the broker's trading system, to avoid slowing
down the execution. That places responsibility on the broker-dealer to
make sure the participant abides by securities regulations, and that
its trading, which can involve hundreds or thousands of orders a
second, does not run amok.
Is it thus surprising, that none other than Goldman Sachs is muscling
its way into providing not only a sponsored access platform to its
clients, but a new form of sponsored access that needs the blessing of
Wall Street heavyweight Goldman Sachs, now launching its own sponsored-
access service to lend clients its identification to access securities
exchanges directly, said last week it favors monitoring client orders
prior to execution.
"Our view is that there is a real need for pre-trade checks in the use
of sponsored access to fulfill [broker-dealers'] regulatory
responsibilities," said Greg Tusar, managing director at Goldman.
Goldman's stand in favor of pre-trade instead of post-trade monitoring
of sponsored clients' activity is one side of a debate in which
regulators may choose a middle ground. The regulators' decision on how
to monitor sponsored access may also influence their deliberations on
restricting short sales.
What is the difference between pre-trade and post-trade monitoring? In
Compliant with Reg SHO
Nip problems before they happen
View activity across exchanges
Faster order executions
Pre-trade systems still fallible
And another tidbit:
In traditional sponsored-access arrangements, a broker-dealer
determines a client's suitability to access market centers directly
and then allows the client to trade without monitoring its individual
orders prior to execution.
In other words, the Goldman endorsed pre-trade approach will allow
"monitoring of individual orders prior to execution." Whether or not
pre-trade checks provide the capacity to observe not just wholesale
exchange activity in the context of sponsored access but from a much
broader market angle is a discussion for another time, although this
could be one place where Sergey Aleynikov could shed an infinite
amount of light, especially as pertains to Goldman's sponsored-access
service. Conveniently, his gag order will prevent him from saying much
if anything until such time as there is an appetizing settlement to
keep him gagged in perpetuity. The bottom line is that with a pre-
trade environment, the sponsored access providers will be able to have
the potential to front run all those who use their platforms. The
residual question of how far they go to comply with regulations to
prevent this from happening, and remain true to their ethics standards
is also a topic for another day.
Going back to the topic at hand. Here is why sponsored access could
easily be quite a bother to capital markets sooner rather than later:
Unchecked errors or unintended repeat orders could deplete broker-
dealers' capital, and potentially wreak havoc in the broader market.
Concerns have arisen, however, about whether all broker-dealers are
able to fulfill that duty in today's electronic trading environment,
and according to which standards.
And here Goldman chimes in to not only promote their proposed
architecture but to expound on the virtues of pre-trade checking.
"In the case of high-frequency trading, in particular guarding against
technology failures, oversized orders and other situations where
there's potentially systemic market impact, we believe strongly that
pre-trade checks are a prerequisite," Tusar says.
Nasdaq's proposal as well as Securities and Exchange Commission
officials' speeches a few months ago appeared to lean toward
bolstering the traditional approach.
"We don't believe that's strong enough or what the regulators want
now, because of the potentially dire consequences, and because we-as
broker-dealers-bear much of that risk," Tusar says.
Now the reason why this is very relevant in the context of not just
potential front running, but also market structure is that Regulation
SHO, which is the primary regulatory framework for short selling (and
the purvey of potential Uptick Rule reinstatement, which will happen
once the market is allowed to hit a bid) is a post-trade
Wedbush [Morgan] routinely tests clients' systems to ensure they are
compliant with Reg SHO. In addition, he says, the brokerage sets
limits on clients available locates-as well as credit and trading
limits--before the start of each trading day that its system tracks,
prohibiting shorts without locates and providing a type of pre-trade
Or as has recently become the case, seeing rolling buy ins in the
middle of the day as borrowable shares in even the most liquid stocks
mysteriously disappear (look at today's market action for yet another
blatant example of this practice).
Anticipating the regulators' likely response, one should not be
surprised to see them siding with Goldman and against shorters:
As the SEC also seeks to appease investor concerns over rampant short
selling, especially naked short selling, new sponsored-access
standards may provide part of the solution. Given that day-traders may
be the last remaining culprits of such activity,, increasing and
standardizing scrutiny over their trading may reduce uncovered (and
illegal) shorts even further.
How about appeasing concerns over rampant, unjustified buying? When
will the downtick buy rule be implemented? But we jest.
And I digress again. Why should all this be concerning to advocates of
stability of high-frequency trading:
The mother of all concerns is a sponsored firm's algorithm going awry
and executing thousands of problematic trades across a range of
securities and market centers.
Well, this is not really a problem when it happens to the upside as
has been the case for months now - it is only a threat when Joe
Sixpack's 401(k) may be impacted, i.e., to the downside.
And here is where a SEC Comment submitted by broker Lime Brokerage is
a very troubling must read by all who naively claim that High-
frequency trading is a boon to an efficient market (which doesn't
provide . Well, yes and no - it is, until such moment that it causes
the market to, literally, break. I will post a critical excerpt from
the Lime submission, and leave the rest to our readers' independent
Lime's familiarity with high speed trading allows us to benchmark some
of the fastest computer traders on the planet, and we have seen CDT
(Computerized Day Trading) order placement rates easily exceed 1,000
orders per second. Should a CDT algorithm go awry, where a large
amount of orders are placed erroneously or where the orders should not
have passed order validation, the Sponsor will incur a substantial
timelag in addressing the issue. From the moment the Sponsor�s
representative detects the problem until the time the problematic
orders can be addressed by the Sponsor, at least two mintues will have
passed. The Sponsor�s only tools to control Sponsored Access flow are
to log into the Trading Center�s website (if available), place a phone
call to the Trading Center, or call the Sponsee to disable trading and
cancel these erroneous orders � all sub-optimal processes which
require human intervention. With a two minute delay to cancel these
erroneous orders, 120,000 orders could have gone into the market and
been executed, even though an order validation problem was detected
previously. At 1,000 shares per order and an average price of $20 per
share, $2.4 billion of improper trades could be executed in this short
timeframe. The sheer volume of activity in a concentrated period of
time is extremely disruptive to the process of maintaining a �fair and
orderly� market. This shortcoming needs to be addressed if the
practice of Naked Access is going to be permitted to continue;
otherwise, the next �Long Term Capital� meltdown will happen in a five-
minute time period.
02-05 11:14 PM
H1B visa CAN BE and IS given to teachers. That poster may have had the problem similar to mine and that is having spent 6 yrs in H4, she was ineligible for H1. Let me remind everyone that decoupling of H1/H4 time happened only 2 months ago. Therefore, if the lady in question already possess Bachelor degree (as min requirement for H1) and is otherwise certifiable I dont see a problem for transfer to H1 .
the only problem may be in finding a school district willing to file H1 WELL in advance and accepting the fact that she cannot start working on SEP 1st (when the new school year starts) but OCT 1st.
Topics like these are distractions, please let us not bother IV core with these petty issues. Need of the hour is -- volunteer time or money. I am trying to do the latter with some success.
the only problem may be in finding a school district willing to file H1 WELL in advance and accepting the fact that she cannot start working on SEP 1st (when the new school year starts) but OCT 1st.
Topics like these are distractions, please let us not bother IV core with these petty issues. Need of the hour is -- volunteer time or money. I am trying to do the latter with some success.
02-24 09:29 AM
I'm not sure of exactly what all this contains berkeleybee...this one is so new that's its even not on the Thomas Register.
Talking of our proposed rally March 13, look how proactive even Illegals are...in this case Irish..
Irish Pack Woodside Rally For Immigration Reform
Queens Chronicle ^ | February 23, 2006 | Ron Brownlow
Posted on 02/23/2006 11:56:18 AM PST by Sharks
Rallying under the slogan �No Paddy Left Behind,� about 900 Irish and Irish-Americans packed a town hall meeting in Woodside on immigration reform Friday evening. Speakers urged the audience, many of whom are undocumented immigrants, to call their elected officials in support of the Kennedy-McCain immigration reform bill. Currently before the Senate, the measure would allow undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States and earn a chance to apply for permanent residency. An alternative bill that already passed the House of Representatives would turn the country�s 11 million undocumented immigrants into criminals, subject to arrest by local authorities. �If you are an undocumented immigrant in the United States, at the moment you have two choices: You can either stay put and hide, or you can lose everything you have,� said Kelly Fincham, executive directors of the newly formed Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform, which organized the meeting at St. Mary�s Help of Christians Catholic Church. Fincham urged those in attendance, even ones who cannot vote, to call or e-mail their U.S. senators and representatives and ask them to vote for the Kennedy-McCain bill. �Do you really want your future to be decided behind closed doors in Washington, or do you want to have a voice?� she asked. An early indicator of the success of her group, formed in December, was the attendance of U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, who received a standing ovation after addressing the Friday meeting. �If we were to cut off immigration in this country within two, three or four generations, we would become a tired, stagnant, stratified society,� he said. New York �is a special place because of immigration and the worst we could do is close the door,� he added. Other speakers at the meeting urged audience members to sign up and bring their friends to a March 8 bus trip to lobby Congress in Washington, D.C. Groups from cities such as Boston will also be bused in. �This is about living a normal life without fear so you can go and enjoy life in the greatest country on earth,� said Naill O�Doud, chairman of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. Congress is expected to pass sweeping immigration reform legislation later this year affecting America�s estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants, of whom around 40,000 are Irish. One version, which already passed the House of Representatives, is an �enforcement only� bill sponsored by Representatives James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) and Peter King (R-N.Y.). Known as the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act, the measure makes it harder for legal permanent residents to become U.S. citizens by allowing government officials to deny naturalization applications based on subjective information or secret evidence. The measure intensifies sanctions against employers who hire undocumented immigrants and requires them to confirm the authenticity of their workers� Social Security numbers. It gives local police the power to enforce immigration laws and penalizes states and cities that protect confidentiality of immigrant crime victims and witnesses. Other provisions would make drunken driving a deportable offense and mandate the construction of five double-layer border fences at a cost of $3.2 million per mile. The Kennedy-McCain bill, known as the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act, was introduced before the Senate last year by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.). The measure would permit undocumented or �illegal� immigrants currently living in America to obtain work visas for up to six years. They could apply for permanent residency after paying fines, passing a background check and completing a period under a temporary visa. The bill would also create a new path to legal immigration through a temporary worker program. Undocumented Irish immigrants present at the meeting said current laws prevent them from returning home to visit family. They pay taxes, but cannot apply for health insurance or open bank accounts, much less obtain a driver�s license. One had a nursing degree from a local university but could not work as a nurse because she had overstayed her visa. Another told similar stories of friends who had advanced degrees but could only find work as laborers. �You�re nervous all the time. You�re always looking over your shoulder,� he said.
For more information on the March 8 bus trip to Washington, D.C., call (718) 821 4964, e-mail signup@irishlobbyusa.org, or log on at www.irishlobbyusa.org.
Talking of our proposed rally March 13, look how proactive even Illegals are...in this case Irish..
Irish Pack Woodside Rally For Immigration Reform
Queens Chronicle ^ | February 23, 2006 | Ron Brownlow
Posted on 02/23/2006 11:56:18 AM PST by Sharks
Rallying under the slogan �No Paddy Left Behind,� about 900 Irish and Irish-Americans packed a town hall meeting in Woodside on immigration reform Friday evening. Speakers urged the audience, many of whom are undocumented immigrants, to call their elected officials in support of the Kennedy-McCain immigration reform bill. Currently before the Senate, the measure would allow undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States and earn a chance to apply for permanent residency. An alternative bill that already passed the House of Representatives would turn the country�s 11 million undocumented immigrants into criminals, subject to arrest by local authorities. �If you are an undocumented immigrant in the United States, at the moment you have two choices: You can either stay put and hide, or you can lose everything you have,� said Kelly Fincham, executive directors of the newly formed Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform, which organized the meeting at St. Mary�s Help of Christians Catholic Church. Fincham urged those in attendance, even ones who cannot vote, to call or e-mail their U.S. senators and representatives and ask them to vote for the Kennedy-McCain bill. �Do you really want your future to be decided behind closed doors in Washington, or do you want to have a voice?� she asked. An early indicator of the success of her group, formed in December, was the attendance of U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, who received a standing ovation after addressing the Friday meeting. �If we were to cut off immigration in this country within two, three or four generations, we would become a tired, stagnant, stratified society,� he said. New York �is a special place because of immigration and the worst we could do is close the door,� he added. Other speakers at the meeting urged audience members to sign up and bring their friends to a March 8 bus trip to lobby Congress in Washington, D.C. Groups from cities such as Boston will also be bused in. �This is about living a normal life without fear so you can go and enjoy life in the greatest country on earth,� said Naill O�Doud, chairman of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. Congress is expected to pass sweeping immigration reform legislation later this year affecting America�s estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants, of whom around 40,000 are Irish. One version, which already passed the House of Representatives, is an �enforcement only� bill sponsored by Representatives James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) and Peter King (R-N.Y.). Known as the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act, the measure makes it harder for legal permanent residents to become U.S. citizens by allowing government officials to deny naturalization applications based on subjective information or secret evidence. The measure intensifies sanctions against employers who hire undocumented immigrants and requires them to confirm the authenticity of their workers� Social Security numbers. It gives local police the power to enforce immigration laws and penalizes states and cities that protect confidentiality of immigrant crime victims and witnesses. Other provisions would make drunken driving a deportable offense and mandate the construction of five double-layer border fences at a cost of $3.2 million per mile. The Kennedy-McCain bill, known as the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act, was introduced before the Senate last year by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.). The measure would permit undocumented or �illegal� immigrants currently living in America to obtain work visas for up to six years. They could apply for permanent residency after paying fines, passing a background check and completing a period under a temporary visa. The bill would also create a new path to legal immigration through a temporary worker program. Undocumented Irish immigrants present at the meeting said current laws prevent them from returning home to visit family. They pay taxes, but cannot apply for health insurance or open bank accounts, much less obtain a driver�s license. One had a nursing degree from a local university but could not work as a nurse because she had overstayed her visa. Another told similar stories of friends who had advanced degrees but could only find work as laborers. �You�re nervous all the time. You�re always looking over your shoulder,� he said.
For more information on the March 8 bus trip to Washington, D.C., call (718) 821 4964, e-mail signup@irishlobbyusa.org, or log on at www.irishlobbyusa.org.
06-18 04:56 PM
called all the reps and also updated the poll.
will pass on this msg to friends outside IV too.
hope for the best
will pass on this msg to friends outside IV too.
hope for the best
2010 First ultrasound, 8 weeks
03-11 11:22 AM
Why do you bring Malice with you, everywhere, seriosly how does your family stand you ?
I have seen your posts earlier, they are full of abuses, unjust full of most useless comments, let me tell you one thing, it is a very well known truth people who are most abusive on cyber space, are most fattoo & have been beaten up kind of people because they spend their life in threat but on cyberspace they become Lion. You are a typical Cyber Sher... But in real life I can guess....
well, regardless of what sanju said, this response of yours is totally uncalled for.
THis gives me a feeling that members on IV who are contributors and or are volunteers/activists are getting their way with foul language on this forum.
And Sanjus last post loudly mentions that. So sanju, you being a helper to the community gives you a right to speak and behave anyway you want?
Mods are simply looking the other way. by simply deleting his posts full of foul language.
I have seen your posts earlier, they are full of abuses, unjust full of most useless comments, let me tell you one thing, it is a very well known truth people who are most abusive on cyber space, are most fattoo & have been beaten up kind of people because they spend their life in threat but on cyberspace they become Lion. You are a typical Cyber Sher... But in real life I can guess....
well, regardless of what sanju said, this response of yours is totally uncalled for.
THis gives me a feeling that members on IV who are contributors and or are volunteers/activists are getting their way with foul language on this forum.
And Sanjus last post loudly mentions that. So sanju, you being a helper to the community gives you a right to speak and behave anyway you want?
Mods are simply looking the other way. by simply deleting his posts full of foul language.
07-20 10:24 AM
We are waiting for the word from core team members on this important issue. No response yet.
Hi Everybody it is a great idea to reimburse aman. Absolutely we have to do it through IV. it is not good idea giving personal checks. what happens when Aman submits his federal taxes. he has to mention everything about the money trail. In America everything should be trailable especially money matters.
giving money through IV is safe for him and for everybody and there is an accountablity everywhere. As a core member he can collect his administrative costs.
So whatever the pledge amouts we are doing should be sent to IV then to Aman.
Any suggestions......
Hi Everybody it is a great idea to reimburse aman. Absolutely we have to do it through IV. it is not good idea giving personal checks. what happens when Aman submits his federal taxes. he has to mention everything about the money trail. In America everything should be trailable especially money matters.
giving money through IV is safe for him and for everybody and there is an accountablity everywhere. As a core member he can collect his administrative costs.
So whatever the pledge amouts we are doing should be sent to IV then to Aman.
Any suggestions......
hair 2008, 4 weeks pregnant.

09-17 01:55 PM
Can someone post the link for Video / Audio ... Thanks
02-27 05:33 PM
Not wrong.. I said it's "being" cancelled..
OK. I overlooked that.
The rule, how I understand it, will not do any harm for those people who's I-140 is already approved. But there is still risk if I-140 is not approved and labor substitution is banned.
So it all depends on how strong the case is and how much risk is tolerable.
OK. I overlooked that.
The rule, how I understand it, will not do any harm for those people who's I-140 is already approved. But there is still risk if I-140 is not approved and labor substitution is banned.
So it all depends on how strong the case is and how much risk is tolerable.
hot ultrasounds at 8 weeks.
05-04 09:47 PM
mine belongs to NSC..I read in another thread that the FP will expire every 15 months and that may be the reason why most of the July filers are getting FP notice again...
house Kim was about 8 weeks along at
12-12 09:36 PM
Paid membership will not benefit the cause of IV at all. IV is a volunteer organization and paid membership will not do any good. Better approach is to raise awareness and tread a fine balance in asking for contributions.
Look at NPR. (National Public Radio) It is a public radio service and it's expenses are mostly footed by volunteer members like those who contribute for IV today. I think the key is raising the awareness and realizing that results take time.
Look at NPR. (National Public Radio) It is a public radio service and it's expenses are mostly footed by volunteer members like those who contribute for IV today. I think the key is raising the awareness and realizing that results take time.
tattoo Human (7 weeks) Ultrasound
12-03 05:31 PM
How long do we July 2nd Filers have to wait before we can call ourselves "victims"?
I know some people have been waiting for years together hence my question.
I know some people have been waiting for years together hence my question.
pictures 8 weeks vs 12 weeks
02-28 10:00 AM
Here is what I have understood from my lawyers -
DOL decree, if adopted, will prevent any further labor substitution.
Any labor approved after the decree is adopted cannot be used for substitution.
Any 140 application based on labor sub will not be denied until USCIS adopts a similar resolution - it is unlikely that USCIS will do such a thing as it will lead to lawsuits from lawyers and folks already in the queue
People with already approved 140 do not need to worry at all.
I am laying down the facts here such that people can make educated decisions on what they want to do.
DOL decree, if adopted, will prevent any further labor substitution.
Any labor approved after the decree is adopted cannot be used for substitution.
Any 140 application based on labor sub will not be denied until USCIS adopts a similar resolution - it is unlikely that USCIS will do such a thing as it will lead to lawsuits from lawyers and folks already in the queue
People with already approved 140 do not need to worry at all.
I am laying down the facts here such that people can make educated decisions on what they want to do.
dresses ultrasound scan at 6 weeks
07-19 09:15 PM
Did you keep new filing fee also? When I spoke to custumer service by 800 number call, she said you have to keep new check and original sealed medical along with duplicat filing.Wish you all the best!
Same as me :D but for the fact that I sent in mine without medical. What do you guys think the chances are of USCIS sending an RFE instead of rejecting the application outright?
Btw..I did "re-file" with completed medical yesterday. I am just hoping they accept my July 2 app. to avail, if any, advantages of RD.
Same as me :D but for the fact that I sent in mine without medical. What do you guys think the chances are of USCIS sending an RFE instead of rejecting the application outright?
Btw..I did "re-file" with completed medical yesterday. I am just hoping they accept my July 2 app. to avail, if any, advantages of RD.
makeup This is our 12 week ultrasound
07-10 09:35 PM
in fact beautiful :-)
mirror mirror on the wall, which is the fairest of them all????
mirror mirror on the wall, which is the fairest of them all????
girlfriend 11/18/2008, 8 weeks 6 days
06-11 01:04 PM
Call and make the difference.
hairstyles 2011 8 weeks ultrasounds at 8

07-27 10:13 AM
totally concur with your opinion.
totally concur with your opinion.
10-12 05:23 PM
Please do update us if any of you or your respective attorneys have received the notice from USCIS. I am in touch with the attorney of my previous company and hope to have something next week. Will keep you posted but looks like USCIS has started this exercise only recently as we have not seen this kind of posts in the past or as SmartBoy mentioned, many of us might not have created a portfolio to check the status of all the approvals we received so far on our immigration journey.
Please do update us if any of you or your respective attorneys have received the notice from USCIS. I am in touch with the attorney of my previous company and hope to have something next week. Will keep you posted but looks like USCIS has started this exercise only recently as we have not seen this kind of posts in the past or as SmartBoy mentioned, many of us might not have created a portfolio to check the status of all the approvals we received so far on our immigration journey.
07-11 01:14 PM
They either have to reject the application or provide the receipt notice. Cannot hold the applications without any actions for long time.
This can reduce the impacted percentage to people from Retrogressed Country /Category ...
May be some thing we can ponder on ....
This can reduce the impacted percentage to people from Retrogressed Country /Category ...
May be some thing we can ponder on ....
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